Be You @ BU Magazine Fall 2021

Welcone to our Residences

KUEHNER My name is Artur and I’m a nerdy student in the History program! Moving into the building for my second year, I didn’t know what to expect. Shortly after jumping right into the residence community and performing my role as a Resident Assistant, I learned why Kuehner is an amazing place. Kuehner residents truly get the best of all worlds! The recently renovated residence is just a short walk away from your academic classrooms, and a stone’s throw away from the Dewhurst Dining Hall and Sports Plex, as well as the Stu- dent Centre! You’re never in a hurry, as the resources you need are right at hand. The best thing about Kuehner is the thriving community - hands down. Equipped with common rooms and a basement with a pool and ping-pong table, life in Kuehner is always thriving and jam-packed with activity. Once you move in – you won’t have WURXEOH ̬WWLQJ LQ $IWHU DOO \RXU 5$ LV EXW D IHZ VWHSV DZD\ UHDG\ to give you advice and support. Whether you are an early bird or a night owl, coordinating with your bogmate is key to avoid waking each other up, especially for the hectic midterm season. Once you move in, don’t be afraid to reach for the stars – I can certify that once you’re here, you will be awed by the campus – and you’ll leave with wonderful friends and fond memories. .XHKQHU R̫HUV \RX FRQQHFWLRQV WR WKH EHVW SODFHV DQG LI ZRUN - outs aren’t your thing, the beautiful campus awaits your curious walks. Once the leaves give way to the rains and snow – our Sherbrooke winter will give you access to plenty of fun winter activities. And, roads covered in powdered snow – you’ll know that the Bishop’s fun will never slow. Take care, future Gaiter! Program: Bachelor of Arts - History and Global Studies with English minor Favourite thing about Bishops: The wonderful student-led clubs! Everything that you need is supported by like-minded individuals in our amazing clubs. Fun fact: If I could travel back in time, I would meet with Catherine the Great and torment her with questions. Mackinnon I’ve lived in Mackinnon for three years: as a resident, a Resident Assistant, and a Senior Resident Assistant. Each year I knew I wanted to go back: Mack has an open and friendly commun- LW\ WKDW \RX MXVW ZRQʌW ̬QG DQ\ZKHUH HOVH 0DFN LV D WUDGLWLRQ - al style building, which means you have a single private room while sharing a recently renovated bathroom with the rest of the people in your hallway. The bathrooms are gender neutral, making the building an accepting space. Mackinnon also has a kitchen, a study room, and multiple common rooms where you can hang out and watch TV or play pool. My favourite thing about Mack has been how easy it is to meet people and make friends. Walking down the hallway it’s not uncommon to see at least one or two open doors! Although this past year has been an unconventional one, it has not stopped Mackinnon students from making friends for life! $UWXU 6KXW Hometown: Toronto, ON

ABBOTT $EERWW KRZ GR , HYHQ VWDUW" , OLYHG LQ $EERWW LQ P\ ̬UVW \HDU and now in my fourth year, I am here once again. Starting my Bishop’s experience in Abbott was one of the best decisions , KDG PDGH $V , ZDV IDU IURP KRPH IRU WKH ̬UVW WLPH DQG ZDV a little intimidated by traditional style residence (I now love traditional style as well, having lived in Mackinnon during my third year!), living in Abbott was a great way of having the ex- perience of residence, while still having a semi-private wash- room. In my case, because I was in a double room, I shared a washroom with an amazing roommate and an amazing bog mate. The location of Abbott, I believe is one of the best on campus as it is conveniently a few steps away from Dewies, about a three minute walk away from the Sports Plex in one direction and about three minutes away from the Student Centre in the other direction, and less than ten minutes away from anywhere else on campus! I have met some amazing people in Abbott, and I have amazing memories in this build- ing that range from spending all day (and night) studying in one of the study rooms, to staying up all night watching movies in the basement. You will not regret living in this won- derful residence building.

PATERSON Paterson is the perfect transition between living with your parents and living on your own LQ DQ DSDUWPHQW ,W R̫HUV DOO WKH EHQH̬WV RI KDYLQJ URRPPDWHV ZKLOH R̫HULQJ \RX D SULYDWH room. In Paterson, you can cook for yourself and/or enjoy a meal plan if you would like to eat at Dewhurst Dining Hall. The Paterson suites consist of four bedrooms, two bath- rooms, and a spacious living room and kitchen – all of this for only four people! Another advantage of living in Paterson is the access to large common and study rooms. Pater- son is also right by the Sports Plex, and just a short walk away from all your classes (with walking trails literally outside your back door!). Living in Paterson gives you the opportunity to not only get to know your building community, but get to know your roommates as well. If you want a sense of community and still have a private place IRU GRZQ WLPH WKHQ 3DWHUVRQ 5HVLGHQFH LV GH̬QLWHO\ WKH SODFH IRU \RX

,VDEHOOH %ODQXVD Hometown: Oshawa, ON

Program: Bachelor of Arts – Double major Classical Music and Drama Favourite Thing About Bishop’s: The school spirit and community! Fun Fact: I’m a huge Disney and Musical Theatre fan. Munster

$OHHQD %RHNKRXGW Hometown: Paradera, Aruba

Program: Bachelor of Arts - Sociology Criminology, Law and Social Policy Favourite thing about Bishop’s: The feeling of awe I get every time I walk WRZDUGV 0F*UHHU WKH VDPH DV WKH ̬UVW time I saw this beautiful campus. Fun Fact: Being an island girl, I am obsessed with snow.

I have lived in Mackinnon, Kuehner and Abbott, but none of these buildings have been as calming as Munster. Although located nicely near Dewhurst Din- ing Hall, the Sports Plex and about a seven-minute walk away from most aca- GHPLF EXLOGLQJV LW R̫HUV DQ RDVLV RI TXLHW RQ RXU EHDXWLIXO EXW EXV\ FDP - pus. During a year like 2020, I was lucky to have a space that I could feel FRPIRUWDEOH LQ DV ZHOO DV KDYH WKH ̭H[LELOLW\ WR FRPSOHWH VR PXFK of my homework and classwork. Munster boasts beautifully renovated URRPV PDQ\ GL̫HUHQW FRPPRQ URRPV DQG VWXG\ URRPV DV ZHOO DV D =HQ room with a massage chair. As Munster is a 24-hour quiet building, I am able to get my work done easily and relax from a hard day. The Residence Life Team encourages community building and will often KRVW HYHQWV ZKHUH \RX FDQ PHHW D KRVW RI GL̫HUHQW SHRSOH IURP DOO over the place. The community here is as involved and supportive as BU students are anywhere you look. The beauty of BU is that help, support and connection are only one “Hi” or other greeting away. 0XQVWHU R̫HUV WKH FRQQHFWLRQ WR \RXU FRPPXQLW\ DV ZHOO DV \RXU own privacy with its bog-style rooms. If I had to describe Mun- ster in one word right now I think it would be ... HOME.

$P\ 7HEELW Hometown: Johannesburg, South Africa Program: Bachelor of Arts – Double major Sociology Criminology, Law and Social Policy and Biological Health Sciences Favorite thing about Bishop’s: The friends I have made here and the people I enjoy being around )XQ )DFW 0\ IDPLO\ DQG , DWWHQGHG D TXDUWHU ̬QDO JDPH RI WKH 2010 Soccer World Cup. NORTON Starting in Fall 2020, Norton has been reserved for preventative quarantine and self-isolation, allowing us to continue to welcome International students and others needing to isolate on campus! Whilst students have to remain in their room for the duration of their preventative quarantine, it does not mean that they have to be socially isolated! The many virtual ac- tivities organized for students, as well as the daily virtual wellness check-ins performed by student peers, jump start the connec-

Gillian MacLean Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia Program: Bachelor of Arts - Sociology with a Drama and Fine Arts minor Favourite thing about Bishop’s: the beautiful Library Learning Commons Fun fact: I’m a huge fan of Elton John

tions you will form at Bishop’s, and help create a fun and close-knit community.



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