Be You @ BU Magazine Fall 2021

Hi Gaiters! My name is Gemma and I’m originally from Montreal. Choosing %LVKRSʌV 8QLYHUVLW\ KDV EHHQ RQH RI WKH EHVW GHFLVLRQV , KDYH PDGH From the moment I stepped foot on campus I fell in love with the beautiful architecture, and the welcoming sense of belonging the community provid- ed. I initially chose Bishop’s because I wanted to study neuroscience and be a part of a smaller school, but it has turned out to be so much more. However, my transition to university was not smooth. Firstly, university is GL̫HUHQW WKDQ &(*(3 RU KLJK VFKRRO , ZRXOG VD\ WKDW \RX DUH D ORW PRUH independent at university. I started taking a few independent classes at DQRWKHU XQLYHUVLW\ EHIRUH FRPLQJ WR %LVKRSʌV DQG WKHUH GXULQJ P\ ̬UVW \HDU , IDLOHG P\ ̬UVW FODVV HYHU , KDG QR FOXH ZKDW , ZDV GRLQJ /RRNLQJ back, it all worked out; I transferred to Bishop’s (where I should have gone LQ WKH ̬UVW SODFH , JRW D ORW EHWWHU DW VWXG\LQJ DQG LW ZDV DOO D SDUW RI D ORQJ learning experience. What I appreciate most about my Bishop’s experience are the relationships. We have the opportunity to grow and get to know our SURIHVVRUV DQG SHHUV ZKLFK LV VRPHWKLQJ QRW DOO XQLYHUVLWLHV R̫HU 2QH RI P\ IDYRULWH FDPSXV PRPHQWV RFFXUUHG LQ P\ ̬UVW \HDU DW %8 , DUULYHG ODWH IRU P\ ̬UVW FODVV JUHDW VWDUW EXW , ZDVQʌW DORQH $QRWKHU VWXGHQW DUULYHG late as well, we looked at each other, laughed and proceeded to sit together, we’ve been close ever since. 6R IDU P\ DFDGHPLF H[SHULHQFH KDV EHHQ JUHDW I am completing a UHVHDUFK SURMHFW DQG WDNLQJ WKH ̬QDO FRXUVHV WR FRPSOHWH WKLV GHJUHH , SUHVHQWHG P\ UHVHDUFK SURMHFW FXUUHQWO\ WLWOHG ʏ6SHFL̬F 2OIDFWRU\ 'H̬FLWV Associated with Cognitive Decline in Seniors” at the Neurodegenerative: Biology and Therapeutics (NDBT) conference virtually in December 2020. I have had the opportunity to work under two mentors Dr. Graham (Université de Sherbrooke) and Dr. Carrier (Bishop’s). I reached out to get LQYROYHG LQ UHVHDUFK P\ VHFRQG \HDU DW %8 WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ KDV VROLGL̬HG everything I’ve learnt in neuroscience. If I had one piece of advice for a student interested in pursuing neuro or any discipline really, it would be to start research as early as possible. Whether it be participating in others’ UHVHDUFK RU HPEDUNLQJ RQ D SURMHFW RI \RXU RZQ %HLQJ LQYROYHG KHOSV ̬OWHU WKURXJK WKH PDQ\ GL̫HUHQW IDFHWV RI \RXU GLVFLSOLQH WR OHDUQ ZKLFK VXEMHFWV you are most interested in. I am passionate about a few things such as learning and research. Outside of the classroom, advocating for the environment, sex education, and PHQWDO KHDOWK LV ZKHUH \RXʌOO ̬QG PH , KDYH EHFRPH H[WUHPHO\ LQYROYHG RQ FDPSXV 0\ ̬UVW \HDU , MRLQHG PDQ\ FOXEV DQG ORFDO YROXQWHHULQJ RSSRU - WXQLWLHV KRZHYHU , TXLFNO\ UHGXFHG P\ LQYROYHPHQW DIWHU ̬UVW \HDU DV LW was hard to balance my extracurricular activities and the demands of my academic program. My advice is to take things slowly as there are so many WKLQJV WR JHW LQYROYHG LQ WKDW \RX FDQ TXLFNO\ ̬QG \RXUVHOI JHWWLQJ LQYROYHG in too much. There are many opportunities and activities in our community for you to get involved in. To give you a taste, here are some of the things I’ve been involved in over the past two years: • Neuroscience peer mentor • Implementation of hydroponic gardens on campus • Environmental Sustainability Representative with the SRC • Co-lead of the Environmental club for 2 years • Co-lead of the Running club for 1 year • Co-lead of Agrobishops for 1 year • Safe Walk volunteer • mental health volunteer • Mental Health Awareness Week volunteer • Introduction of Xiuhtezcatl Martinez for a Donald Lecture Series I love getting involved and supporting my peers by showing up and partici- pating in their initiatives as well. Having people to support you and make time for the things you care for makes a little change in the person’s motiv- ation to continue. Which leads to a small step towards a better community. I know that you will all enjoy your Bishop’s experience. I encourage you to WDNH DGYDQWDJH RI DOO WKLV FRPPXQLW\ KDV WR R̫HU EXW PRVW LPSRUWDQWO\ , encourage you to leave it a little bit better than how you found it. How will YOU make YOUR Purple Mark?

,I , KDG WR GHVFULEH P\ ̬UVW \HDU RI XQLYHUVLW\ LQ RQH word, it would be enlivening. Despite the pandemic, I made the decision to move out of SURYLQFH WR FDPSXV IRU P\ ̬UVW \HDU VRPHWKLQJ WKDW KDV allowed me to immerse myself in the Bishop’s experience and the beautiful campus. Coming alone and having the ̬UVW WDVWH RI VHSDUDWLRQ IURP \RXU SDUHQWV DOORZV \RX WR thrive in ways you never could have imagined. University has allowed me to grow, alongside the help of my peers and professors. Before coming to BU, I never knew what being at a small school really entailed. )N\MZ PMIZQVO \PM [\WZQM[ WN ITT Ua WTLMZ [QJTQVO[ M`XMZQMVKM[ _Q\P XZW NM[[WZ[ I\ TIZOM ]VQ^MZ[Q\QM[ 1 VM^MZ \PW]OP\ \PI\ UISQVO UMIVQVON]T ZMTI \QWV[PQX[ _Q\P \PMU _W]TL JM XW[[QJTM When I got here, I realized that the faculty at BU is dif- ferent, and they are here to help you. With small class sizes, my profs actually knew my name and it felt like they genuinely cared. Although the academic side of Bishop’s is amazing, it is nothing compared to the campus life. Even during a pan- demic, campus is lively, and spirits are high. It is inspir- ing to see that even in the toughest of times, we Gaiters are still able to make the most out of what we have. -^MV _Q\P \PM UIVa +7>1, ZM[\ZQK\QWV[ IVL XZMKI]\QWV[ QV XTIKM *Q[PWX [ PI[ [\QTT UILM NQZ[\ aMIZ UMUWZIJTM IVL N]TNQTTQVO One of my favourite experiences was Orientation Week - it was unforgettable. I will never forget all my friends cheering me on as I chugged a jar of queso, a challenge given to me by the judges in order to win my team points. With all the fun activities organized by the school, and the gener- al distractions that come along with living in resi- dence, maintaining a school-life balance is harder WKDQ , FRXOG KDYH HYHU LPDJLQHG DQG P\ ̬UVW \HDU has taught me the importance of this. I never expected myself to get caught up in all the action, but being here has shown me that focusing on classes doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on all the fun. .QZ[\ aMIZ WN ]VQ^MZ[Q\a PI[ \I]OP\ UM JITIVKM IVL ZM[XWV[QJQTQ\a IVL PI[ \Z]Ta UILM UM NMMT ITQ^M I’ve built strong and lasting relationships with friends I’ve known for only a short while, and I wish I would have NQRZQ VRRQHU KRZ LQFUHGLEOH P\ ̬UVW \HDU ZRXOG EH WR rid myself of the anxiety I felt before move-in day. At BU, you will be welcomed with open arms by the students DQG VWD̫ DQG , KRSH RQH GD\ VRRQ \RX WRR ZLOO FDOO /HQ - noxville home.

Hometown: Montreal, QC Program: Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience

Fun fact: I am planning WR KLNH WKH 3DFL̬F &RDVW Trail - A six-month trek that begins at the USA-Mexican border and ends in Canada.

Gemma Camara



Hometown: Tavistock, ON Program: Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience

21 First Year Reflections


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