Be You @ BU Magazine Fall 2021


Three students who had found a need and had a passion to advocate, educate and shape the culture revolving around sex at our school founded the Bishop’s Sexual Culture Committee (BSCC). :H UHFRJQL]H WKDW LW LV QHFHVVDU\ WR DGYRFDWH DJDLQVW VH[XDO PLVFRQGXFW VWDQG XS IRU WKH ULJKWV RI VXUYLYRUV DQG DOVR SURPRWH VDIH KHDOWK\ DQG KDSS\ VH[XDO H[SHULHQFHV With the help of the Bishop’s community, we have found the channels to enact the change we want to see. Bishop’s acts as an incubator for leaders to grow and develop ideas on a small scale in order to be prepared to bring them to the rest of the world, we are but one example of this empowering microcosm. In order to begin developing these ideas and to address all angles of sexual culture, we have created three sub-committees who will run various projects and initiatives. The Sex Education sub-committee aims to create content that will educate students on a variety of topics such as biology and anatomy, healthy relationships and consent, sexual health, STIs and much more. The Policy Review sub-committee is analyzing the University’s current sexual harassment prevention policy in hopes of creating a better functioning system of justice for survivors of sexual violence. Finally, the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response VXE FRPPLWWHH ZLOO EUHDN GRZQ WKH VHUYLFHV R̫HUHG DW %LVKRSʌV WR ̬QG ZD\V WR PDNH WKHVH VHUYLFHV PRUH DFFHVVLEOH XVHIXO DQG XQL̬HG %\ XVLQJ DOO UHVRXUFHV R̫HUHG DW %LVKRSʌV DQG FROODERUDW - LQJ ZLWK GL̫HUHQW JURXSV DQG LQGLYLGXDOV RQ FDPSXV WKH %6&& LV tackling large issues one-step at a time. With the hopes of making Bishop’s an even more open, positive and inclusive environment than it already is, the BSCC func- tions as a vessel for student voices and participation. We hope to create a safer sexual culture on campus, which will allow all BU students to participate in healthy and fun relationships and social settings without fear of harassment or assault. Because our University provides us with the opportunity to enact real change, these goals are achievable as well as continuous. There is room for improvement in all universities regarding sexual culture. What’s great about Bishop’s, is that we as students have the power to be a part of those changes and watch them be implemented and evolve as we grow with our school. If you are interested in taking concrete action, have some ideas on how to improve our sexual culture and meeting like-minded individuals, this committee is for you! 7DNH LW IURP XV WKUHH QRZ ̬YH RQ RXU H[HF WHDP %LVKRSʌV VWX - GHQWV ZKR VLPSO\ ZDQWHG WR PDNH D GL̫HUHQFH KHUH DW %LVKRSʌV what matters most is your passion. We all “Bleed Purple” and want to better our community to the best of our abilities. If you want to be a leader for change, an advocate for rights, or simply create something, this is the place for you. Let’s talk about sex

Hometown: Denver, CO USA Program: Bachelor of Arts – Business and Liberal Arts double major

Anika Malone

Georgia LaPierre

Hometown: Montreal, QC Program: Bachelor of Arts – Sociology Gender, Diversity & Equity Studies



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