Be You @ BU Magazine Fall 2021

social events

&28175< )(67 A new campus event, Country Fest is de- signed to bring the Lennoxville and Bishop’s community together to celebrate the hay and SXPSNLQ ̬OOHG 4XDG ZLWK PDQ\ IXQ DFWLYLWLHV put on by the SRC Extracurricular groups. Come back at night for a wonderful concert under the stars. *$,7 *$76%< Get out those dancing shoes, tuxedos and feather boas, because Gait Gatsby is an event like no other! The Gait is transformed into an extravagant 1920’s-esque scene, where champagne is popped and fancy costumes are donned by all. You won’t want to miss it! 0(17$/ +($/7+ :(//1(66 :('1(6'$<6 Throughout the year, each Wednesday is Mental Health and Wellness Wednesday, a combined student and university initiative that works on bringing mental health aware- ness to the forefront and eliminate any asso- ciated stigmas. Seminars, talks, fundraisers, =HQ URRPV FDPSXV UHVRXUFH GD\ DQG HYHQ a puppy room are some of the past activities that help raise awareness on campus. 6859,9( 7+( *$,7 Bishop’s Best Game Show allows students to test their limits in a Survivor Style game. Stu- dents are given the opportunity to show their resilience while living in the Gait for one week completing various challenges each day. Each day is streamed on the SRC YouTube channel for all students to watch! +$//2:((.(1' Be sure to bring your entire costume trunk with you to Bishop’s, because you’ll be needing a number of costumes for this crazy weekend! Bishop’s students love to dress up so much, we make Halloween a three-day D̫DLU *HW UHDG\ WR VHH VRPH SUHWW\ FUHDWLYH costumes, we start brainstorming and craft- ing in September!

:,17(5)(67 Grab your retro ski gear or onesie, and brave the cold to celebrate the BUties of winter at one of the biggest events of the winter se- mester! The Quad is transformed for a winter extravaganza, complete with a ski and snow- board rail set-up, an ice bar, a DJ tent, and of course, a BBQ booth to keep you fueled and warm throughout the day! Dance, ride the rail, or simply sit back, sip hot cocoa, and take it all in! )$6+,21 6+2: The Fashion Show is a student initiative that is the largest charity event on campus. Walk the red carpet, work backstage, watch your IULHQGV VWUXW WKHLU VWX̫ RQ WKH UXQZD\ DQG feel the urge to jump out of your seat when the DJ starts mixing. Whether you choose to be in the audience, or walk on the stage, Fashion Show is a favourite event for many. The best part? Every penny raised goes to a local charity! )5(( ',11(56 This is an especially exciting event for those OLYLQJ R̫ FDPSXV ZKR GRQʌW KDYH WKH OX[XU\ of being able to eat at Dewies every day! En- counter is a faith-based club that is focused on providing students with a welcoming and loving community. Once a week, they provide a yummy free dinner for the students of Lennoxville, sometimes accompanied by live music. This is a great way to make new FRQQHFWLRQV ̬OO \RXU VWRPDFK ZLWK D KHDOWK\ meal, and relax with friends!

25,(17$7,21 :((. This is where all the action begins! O-Week is a whirlwind of activities, and an awesome way to make new friends. Some Orientation Week highlights include: the famous “Can I Kiss You” talk about consent; mandatory Bystand- er Intervention training; dancing under the stars in the Quad at the Gaiter Gardens; wel- come concert (previous performers include &ODVVL̬HG 7KH $UNHOOV DQG ; $PEDVVDGRUV and an awesome hike up Mont Pinacle, one of our local mountains. +20(&20,1* Get out all that BU SWAG, because this is GH̬QLWHO\ WKH SXUSOHVW HYHQW RI WKH \HDU 7KH Coulter Field parking lot (and Lennoxville LWVHOI LV ̬OOHG ZLWK H[FLWHG VWXGHQWV DQG returning alumni for dancing, barbequing, tailgating, and of course, the big Gaiter home football game. +$33< +285 $7 7+( *$,7 Held every Thursday at The Gait, this is a great way to celebrate the near-end of the week, and socialize with other students and faculty. There is great company, free popcorn, and great music. If that isn’t convincing enough, I don’t know what is!

20 must attend events

academic events

0$3/( /($*8(ʌ6 83 )25 '(%$7( Members of the Maple League – Acadia, Bishop’s, Mount Allison, and St. Francis Xavier universities, promise a weekend of stimulating, thought provoking, and delight- ful events. In addition to plenary speakers, a student debate tournament, a Business CASE Competition, and a series of receptions, the University hosts TEDxBishopsU, a multidisci- plinary event that features speakers drawn from the talented pool of students, faculty, DOXPQL FRPPXQLW\ PHPEHUV DQG VWD̫ IURP the four universities. +($57 628/6 &21)(5(1&( 48(8& Previously known as QUEUC (Quebec Uni- versity English Undergraduate Conference), the HEART & SOULS Conference is an annual international humanities research confer- ence separated into two streams. The SOULS (Scholarship of Undergraduate Literary Stud- ies) stream is for undergraduate students in the humanities to present their research es- says on critical and literary theory in thematic panels. The HEART (Humanities Education and Research in Teaching) stream advocates for a pedagogical-scholarly practice ground- ed in and motivated by teachers’ experiences in forging intentionally designed, ethical, and curiosity-driven classrooms. $57 /$% :25.6+236 7KH $UW /DE RQ FDPSXV R̫HUV %LVKRSʌV University students a creative space where they can explore their interest in the arts, as well as engage critically with visual and media arts in the region. The Art Lab hosts workshops that anyone can attend. These workshops range from carving pumpkins, to lantern building, dreamcatcher making, henna tattoos, book-binding, and much more. It’s a great place to go to unwind after a long day, and to let your creativity shine!

% 8 ) ) The Bishop’s University Film Festival (BUFF) celebrates and publicizes the creativity and skill of Bishop’s students from all programs through an annual competition in digital ̬OPPDNLQJ 6WXGHQWV VXEPLW VKRUW ̬OPV which are screened publicly at our gala in late March and presented with various awards, as chosen by a panel of judges. Turner Studio Theatre is home to Drama students, but it is also the place to be if you enjoy theatre! There are a variety of shows that are performed at Turner Studio, from New Plays, performances that are written and directed entirely by students, to Theatre Activ, performances of popular plays and musicals. Tickets are inexpensive, and the entertainment is wonderful! '21$/' /(&785( 6(5,(6 The Donald Lecture Series brings speakers of national and international renown to the Bishop’s campus to provide insight, provoke thought, and stimulate debate on the most compelling issues and events in the world today. All lectures are free of charge and open to the public. Past speakers include: &KULV +DG̬HOG (GZDUG 6QRZGHQ 5HY -HVVH Jackson, David Hogg and Naomi Klein. 7+($75( 352'8&7,216 $7 7851(5 678',2 7+($75(

5(6($5&+ :((. Come support your friends and professors at the Lion for the Faculty/Student Research Flash Talks and Pub Quiz. Learn about stu- dent research taking place across several ̬HOGV DQG GLVFLSOLQHV DW WKH 6WXGHQW 3RVWHU Presentations, and discover how research in Sports Studies can enhance our athletes’ performance and safety. %8 $576 )(67,9$/ The Arts Festival is a free, weeklong event that showcases the processes and people behind the arts. It includes everything from YLVXDO DUWV WR SRHWU\ GDQFH WR GUDPD ̬OP WR music. Workshops, rehearsals, events, shows, concerts, performances, and more happen throughout the week all over campus! Even the greater Lennoxville and Sherbrooke com- munities are invited to attend, collaborate, participate, and volunteer! '(3$570(17$/ 5(&(37,216 These events enable students and profes- sors to engage in discipline or course related topics and mingle over some snacks in a less formal atmosphere. A great way to get to know your professors outside of the class- room and an even better way for them to get WR NQRZ \RX D GH̬QLWH SHUN IRU ZKHQ \RX need reference letters for Grad School!).



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