Be You @ BU Magazine Fall 2021

SRC CLUBS 7KHUH DUH RYHU VWXGHQW FOXEV ZLWKLQ WKH 65& 7KHVH LQFOXGH VRFLDO DQG FKDULW\ YROXQWHHULQJ EDVHG FOXEV DQG IRUP WKH KHDUW RI WKH YLEUDQW VWXGHQW OLIH DW %LVKRSʌV 7KH\ DUH JUHDW ZD\ WR LQWHJUDWH DQG FRQWULEXWH WR WKH FRPPXQLW\ LQ PRUH ZD\V WKDQ RQH 8%,6+23ʌ6 -$&. 25* is a part of the national youth mental health movement: Its goal is to provide the Bishop’s community with important information about mental health, in addition to to fostering opportunities to start conversations on re- lated topics. believes that everyone must take care of their mental health. The organization seeks ways to help students at Bishop’s develop the necessary skills take care of their own mental health, and provides access to a variety of resources and initia- tives. volunteers and members are open and friendly, and students are welcome to join at any point throughout the year, at any commitment level. 0('/,)( LV D QRQ SUR̬W RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW provides medical treatment, education and community development to low-income communities all over the world. The Bishop’s chapter helps raise awareness for medical inequity and the goals of the Medlife organ- ization. It also serves to raise money to help fund members’ projects and volunteer trips to Peru, Ecuador, India and Tanzania. This club is open to all people interested in helping with this very important cause, especially those who are interested in medicine or humanitar- ian work. It is a great way to learn, travel and help other communities less fortunate. 7+( (19,5210(17$/ &/8% is a group that holds numerous activities and events designed to both enjoy and protect the environment. Once a week, the club gets together to plan activities and to brainstorm new initiatives. Past activities included: plant sales, bring your own mug hot beverages, vegan workshops, environmental documen- tary screenings, snowshoeing local moun- tains, trail clean ups and many more. %,6+23ʌ6 %((6 is open to any student who is interested in learning about bees and/or beekeeping. Bishop’s Bees has several hives on campus that they manage, and they sell their honey at Doolittle’s. Throughout the year the club has informative meetings, fund- raisers, as well as meetings for projects using the honey/wax (such as lip balm or candles). 7+( 3+272*5$3+< &/8% aims to provide a place for all interested students at Bishop’s to explore and improve their photography skills in an open and supportive environment.

ACADEMIC SOCIETIES - There are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provides a channel for students which allows for intelligent discussion of psychological issues as well as to promote the growth of the BU psychological community. Club Mission: The Bishop’s University Undergraduate Psychol- ogy Society (BUUPS) unites students outside of the classroom who share an interest in the ̬HOG RI SV\FKRORJ\ DQG DQ\ UHODWHG SV\FK - ological issues in order to promote further thinking about the science. (1$&786 LV D JOREDO QRQ SUR̬W RUJDQL]DWLRQ that supports the notion that students are the leaders of tomorrow! At Bishop’s we use business as a tool to address social issues within our community. Enactus has 3 operat- ing projects that each aim to create a social impact in the community as well as globally. Enactus is always looking for new ideas and new projects to keep improving lives and strengthening our small community. 7+( 32/,7,&6 $1' ,17(51$7,21$/ 678',(6 $662&,$7,21 welcomes all stu- dents in our department. Though PISA does have a four-person executive team, the soci- ety is made up of every Bishop’s student who studies politics, international studies and/or international political economy. Throughout the school year, the group runs many diverse events such as speaker nights, workshops, socials and many more. They also advertise opportunities that are available to students in our department to enhance your Bishop’s experience. This group is here to help the stu- dents in the department make the most out of their time at Bishop’s.

SRC SPORTS - There are more than DWKOHWLF JURXSV ZLWKLQ WKH 65& 7KHVH LQFOXGH FRPSHWLWLYH WHDPV DV ZHOO DV OHLVXUH VSRUWV PDQ\ RI ZKLFK VWXGHQWV DUH LQYLWHG WR GURS LQ VHVVLRQV 7KH\ DUH QRW RQO\ D JUHDW ZD\ WR VWD\ DFWLYH DQG KHDOWK\ EXW DQ DPD]LQJ ZD\ WR VKRZ WHDP VSLULW :KHWKHU \RX OLNH WR FRPSHWH RU MXVW ZDQW WR SOD\ FDV - XDOO\ WKHUHʌV DQ RSWLRQ IRU \RX %8 612: is the home of the skiing and snowboarding community at Bishop’s. By joining the club, you can purchase a dis- counted Jay Peak season’s pass, buy BU Snow apparel, have access to tuning and waxing services and are invited to the many club events and activities. Our Facebook JURXS VHUYHV DV D FDUSRRO IRUXP IRU R̫HU - LQJ DQG ̬QGLQJ ULGHV WR DQ\ RI WKH DPD]LQJ mountains nearby. %8 '$1&( is a fun way to get in shape, learn new styles of dance and have a great time. %8 'DQFH R̫HUV FODVVHV ZLWK D YDULHW\ RI styles and levels that take place on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Styles of dance include: Hip Hop, Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical, etc. BU Dance is intended for students to have fun, PHHW QHZ SHRSOH GHYHORS FRQ̬GHQFH DQG OHDUQ WR SHUIRUP $OVR R̫HUHG LV D FRPSHWL - tive team that allows dedicated individuals to compete against other dance teams from Ontario and Quebec. 7+( 52&. &/,0%,1* &/8% is open to climbers of any level who want to kick it at the climbing gym on Fridays and touch the East- ern Townships rock and ice. The BU Climbing Club provides a great environment to learn all about the basics of this sport. Students’ can use this activity as a way to challenge themselves, and the club teaches beginners everything they need to know to be self-reli- ant and to get the most out of the experience. All the gear needed during the activities is provided at no cost, and we carpool! ),*85( 6.$7,1* &/8% is the perfect place for you, whether you have years of experience or are eager to learn how to skate. Come and practice your skills or learn new ones. We are always excited to welcome new members to the club.



$W %LVKRSʌV ZH GRQʌW GR DYHUDJHʈ $V *DLWHUʌV ZH DOZD\V JR WKH (;75$ PLOH DQG WKDW PHDQV ZH JHW LQYROYHG :KHWKHU WKDWʌV LQ VSRUWV FOXEV DFD - GHPLF VRFLHWLHV RU VWXGHQWVʌ DVVRFL - DWLRQV WKHUH LV D SODFH IRU HYHU\RQH %865& (;75$ This year, we restructured the way we look at and engage with clubs, and recognized the shared values, missions, status and goals of the various groups. Thus, we established a new foundation and laid WKHP RXW LQ IRXU ̬UP DQG EURDG FDWHJRULHV Students can keep an eye on the various activities of these groups as they happen by following #EXVUF H[WUD on Instagram. There are over 60 active student-run groups, and there is great opportunity for creating new groups at any time. Be in touch with the extracurricular groups manager for more in- formation by emailing: VUFVWX#XELVKRSV FD . 7+( /($'(56+,3 $1' (;75$ &855,&8 - /$5 $&7,9,7< 352),/( /($3 is the Co-Curricular Record at Bishop’s University. 7KH /($3 FHUWL̬FDWH LV DQ R̮FLDO GRFX - ment that can complement your academic transcript by building a portfolio of volunteer work experience. It is designed to track, verify, and validate students’ leadership pos- itions, organizational memberships, volunteer ZRUN DQG RWKHU VLJQL̬FDQW LQYROYHPHQW LQ activities outside of the classroom. Enrolment is completely voluntary. LEAP is a great way to transform your co-curricular activities into valued experience for your future employers and graduate school!

&$5,%%($1 $1' $)5,&$1 678'(17 $662&,$7,21 is made up of students from diverse ethnic backgrounds that have an LQWHUHVW LQ PDLQWDLQLQJ D VROLGL̬HG FDPSXV committee that appreciates African and Caribbean cultures and educates others on historical, political, social, and economic LVVXHV WKDW D̫HFW $IULFD DQG WKH &DULEEHDQ Through social activities that engage the Bishop’s community, CASA fundamentally strives to strengthen and promote a multicul- tural presence at Bishop’s University and in the Sherbrooke community. Moreover, CASA aims to debunk and dispel the stereotypes WKDW H[LVW LQ UHODWLRQ WR WKHVH VSHFL̬F UHJLRQV and the people who come from these places 7+( %8 35,'( $//,$1&( is a dynamic group of Bishop’s students who meet weekly to discuss issues and events pertinent to the LGBTQ+ community, at Bishop’s and on an International level. BUPA holds events and activities that embrace, promote, and encourage diversity and the alliance between queer and straight students at Bishop’s. %83$ DOVR R̫HUV SHHU FRXQVHOLQJ DQG D 3ULGH Library for anyone seeking help or informa- tion on LGBTQ+-related topics. BUPA is open to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, who values and supports diversity!

7+( ,1',*(1286 &8/785$/ $//,$1&( Our overall goal is to bring awareness of the Indigenous community on campus and to create a safe space for learning between In- digenous and Non-Indigenous students. Their plan is to provide the Bishop’s Community with cultural activities and opportunities to explore Indigenous issues and the variety of Indigenous cultures present in Canada. Some of our main values include acceptance, inclu- sion, community building, and open-minded- ness. They want to see an overall expansion of indigenous cultural knowledge on campus. %8 ,17(51$7,21$/ 678'(176ʌ $662&,$7,21 educates and immerses international and exchange students in Can- adian culture through on-campus educational events and sponsored trips including a trip to a Sugar Shack, a hockey game in Sherbrooke, and trips to various events around the area. The second goal for the group is to unite international students and discover and dis- cuss customs and traditions from all around the world. Our international students come from over 60 countries around the world. The group warmly welcomes both international and exchange students along with Canadians who are interested in diversity, learning about new cultures and getting to know those from around the world.

Hometown: Calgary, AB Program: Bachelor of Science – Biology Health Science and Neuroscience

Izzy Audet



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