Be You @ BU Magazine Fall 2021

2QH GD\ D IHZ \HDUV DJR , ZDV VLWWLQJ LQ WKH ZDLWLQJ DUHD RI WKH R̮FH of our academic counsellors at Vanier College, where I worked as a teacher for many years. While waiting for my meeting, I noticed the rack of brightly-coloured and eye-catching brochures of the many universities that were all vying to attract the interest of our students. As a long-time fan of smaller universities, the booklet with “Bishop’s” emblazoned across WKH FRYHU DWWUDFWHG P\ DWWHQWLRQ ̬UVW 7KH UHVW DV WKH\ VD\ LV KLVWRU\ Our youngest son, Vincent, was approaching the end of his CEGEP stud- ies and I knew that he was wondering what might come next. Look for a job right away? Take another CEGEP program (one more career-tar- JHWHG WKDQ WKH +LVWRU\ SURJUDP KH ZDV QRZ ̬QLVKLQJ " :DV XQLYHUVLW\ D possibility? Many options, but where to start? So, I took the brochure home (we still have it, BTW). Vincent is now completing his studies at Bishop’s, so both he and we – his parents – now have some perspective on the experience. First of all, ‘why Bishop’s’? Well, myself, I had studied at several universities, from small to large (one even smaller than BU!), and in retrospect I would have to say that I had noticed a distinct reverse correlation between size of the school and quality of the overall experience, in that the smaller the better. But I know that was just my perspective as, being a Maritimer, community and close connections to people were important to me. And, knowing Vincent, I knew that large, bustling places (e.g. downtown Montreal) were not really his thing either. So, what did the brochure have to say about that? :HOO ̬UVW RI DOO DV PDQ\ RI \RX NQRZ RU GRQʌW \HW NQRZ LI WKLV LV \RXU first look at Bishop’s), as indicated above, BU is a smaller school, in a smaller community, and is largely ‘residential’, in that a majority of its students, especially new students, live on campus. A quick thumb WKURXJK WKH EURFKXUH WKRXJK VKRZHG XV WKDW %LVKRSʌV ZDV GH̬QLWHO\ not “small” on resources – resources like the still-new sports complex and the [at the time] planned new learning commons and library were impressive. And the list of programs was also intriguing. Vincent was actively into things environmental and we were an outdoor family, so the Environmental Studies & Geography Program particularly caught Vince’s eye (and mine too, I must admit). A Parent’s perspective

The next step was attending an autumn BU Open House, to see if it was really as good as the marketing suggested. It was a cold, wet, blustery day, but after our drive to Lennoxville from our home in the lower Laurentians, having the almost too-idyllic campus come into view after FURVVLQJ WKH ʏ0LJKW\ 0DVVDZLSSLʐ \RXʌOO OHDUQ DERXW WKDW ZDV RXU ̬UVW tangible indication that this was going to be an interesting visit. And, it was. As cold/wet/blustery as the day was outside, the day inside - in large part led by an upper-year Education student whom I continually thought was literally going to explode with enthusiasm (and also very practical information) - was terrific. From the tours of the various departments and facilities to the most impressive dining hall meal that I’d ever had, it was all good. Then, after a ‘meet the university’ sort of meeting in Montreal one snowy evening in 2017, and some exploratory communications back DQG IRUWK ZLWK WKH YHU\ KHOSIXO IRONV LQ %8ʌV R̮FH RI 5HFUXLWPHQW DQG Retention, we, as a family, agreed that this looked like an appropriate and promising path to follow. Between then and now, the experience has not disappointed. Vincent’s interest in all things environmental/geographical has only increased, he has talked so much about his favourite professors by name that I now feel that I personally know them (and, in fact, I have met some of them), and when he has needed support along the way, it was there. Note: it is widely accepted as a given now – perhaps by some institu- tions more than others – that every student is unique, and ‘education’ LV QRW D RQH VL]H ̬WV DOO HQGHDYRXU , WKLQN ZH FDQ FRQ̬GHQWO\ VD\ WKDW BU takes that particular responsibility seriously and has folks in place who are ready and able to assist and support. So, as the parent of a student whose BU experience is now coming to D FORVH HVSHFLDOO\ GXULQJ WKHVH &29,' WLPHV , WKLQN ZH FDQ FKHFN R̫ a number of items: the ‘residential’ approach to student living is a real plus (many physical renovations, well-managed, and allows students to focus on and maximally enjoy this very formative time in their lives); new and ongoing building and campus improvements provide the stu- dents with the up-to-date resources that they require, both inside and outside of the classroom; the human resources (both academic and support) are largely surprisingly good (and committed!) for a smaller VFKRRO WKH FRPPXQLW\ YLEH ERWK RQ WKH FDPSXV DQG R̫ LV HYHU\WKLQJ you could hope for; and, true to its touted pedagogic philosophy, it SURYLGHV DQ HGXFDWLRQDO H[SHULHQFH WKDW IXO̬OOV ʋOLEHUDOO\ʌ EH\RQG WKH WHFKQLFDO VSHFL̬FV RI WKH SURJUDP LQ ZKLFK \RX KDYH FKRVHQ WR VWXG\ I think it’s safe to say that Vincent found himself here. I know I can GH̬QLWHO\ VD\ WKDW KH LV PRUH FRQ̬GHQW PRUH UHDG\ DQG DEOH WR DFWLYHO\ look for the answers that he needs, and more prepared to take that next step, wherever it may take him. Bottom line: A large, sprawling, densely populated campus in an equally large, sprawling densely populated downtown core might suit some people very well – it does have its perks, to be sure. But Bishop’s is what it claims to be: inviting, supportive, close-knit, competent, pro- gressive, and a place that will be a part of you “forever more”.

%ULDQ 6FXOO\ Parent of Vincent Scully, Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies and Geography student

Vincent with his BU Parents Brian and Odile

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