Fall 2021 Viewbook - Bishop's University
- F A C U L T Y O F A R T S & S C I E N C E -
ENGLISH ubishops.ca/english Honours, Literature Concentration Honours, Film & Media Studies Concentration Major, Literature Concentration Major, Film and Media Studies Concentration Minor, English Minor, Creative Writing & Journalism
ÉTUDES FRANÇAISES ET QUÉBÉCOISES u bishops.ca/french Honours, French as a Second Language Major, French as a Second Language Major, Langue Française/Études Fr. et Qc. Major, Modern Languages with a Fr. Component Minor, French as a Second Language Minor, Études de la langue Française Certificate, French as a Second Language The Département d’études françaises et québé- coises offers courses in French language, French literature and civilization, and Quebec and Acadian literature and civilization. Students will learn to speak, read and write French correctly and with ease and will become familiar with the broad lines of French and Quebec literatures, while studying cer- tain works or periods more thoroughly.
Honours, Environmental Science Honours, Environmental Studies Honours, Geography
Major, Environmental Studies Major, Environmental Science Major, Geography Double Major, Social Studies & Sec. Education Minor, Environmental Studies Minor, Environmental Science Minor, Geography Minor, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Micro-program, Climate Change Certificate, Environmental Studies & Geography Certificate, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Environment and Geography, with its major focus on human-environment interaction, is a broad disci- pline which analyzes the distribution and interrela- tionships of physical and human phenomena on the earth. It combines subject matter and methodolo- gies from both the natural and social sciences.
Minor, Communications Studies Minor, Film and Media Studies Minor, Literature Minor or Certificate, Pre-law
The Bishop’s experience in English is about studying all kinds of cultural texts, from Old English epics to contemporary films and television. It’s about both critical insight and creative production. We like to think of our program as an offer you can’t refuse: the chance to develop the most sought after skills in today’s society. By studying English you’ll devel- op a rich and sophisticated understanding of your culture and yourself. You’ll hone your analytical skills and learn to use language in a way that will empower you in the job market and, indeed, in life.
Career possibilities Communications Diplomatic relations Government services Law
Career possibilities Cartography Civil services Commercial/Residential surveyor
Public relations Speechwriting Teaching Translation
Career possibilities Advertising, marketing and fundraising Author/Novelist Corporate and public communications Film and media production Law Management and the civil service Media and journalism Publishing industry Scriptwriting Social services Teaching and education Technical writing
Ecological policy reform Environmental consulting Geographical information systems officer Government services Journalism Law Teaching Urban planning
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