Fall 2021 Viewbook - Bishop's University
Photos : Krystel V. Morin
PHILOSOPHY ubishops.ca/philosophy Honours, Philosophy
PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY ubishops.ca/physics Master of Science, Physics Honours, Physics
POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ubishops.ca/politics Honours, Political Studies Honours, International Studies Honours, International Political Economy Major, Political Studies Major, International Studies Major, International Political Economy Minor, Political Studies Minor, International Studies The Department provides students with a working knowledge of society and how decisions are made. Governments, politicians, leaders in private industry and ordinary individuals function within a framework of accepted political norms, e.g. notions of justice, freedom, rights and duties. Over time, these per- ceived norms are challenged by conventional meth- ods such as voting, political parties, interest group lobbying and protest movements; or the challenge may be by militant, revolutionary or terrorist means. Students enrolled in the International Studies Major and Honours programs must choose between two concentrations: Global Governance or Global Culture. Career possibilities Business-government consulting Communications
Major, Philosophy Minor, Philosophy
Major, Physics Minor, Physics
In Philosophy, lasting and adequate understanding comes when the materials of study are brought to life. This requires both patience and creativity on the part of professors, engagement and self-reli- ance on the part of students. The Bishop’s experi- ence in Philosophy is designed to foster all of these things. Many classes operate in the seminar format attentive to the particular interests of members, focused on primary sources and designed to invite students to take a leadership role in presenting their own work. Our students graduate having stud- ied closely great works of thought, having learned how to communicate subtle and difficult ideas to others, having gained extensive experience in tech- nical writing, argumentation and public speaking.
Physics is often regarded as the cornerstone of the Natural Sciences. It involves the study of the interaction of matter and energy on the most fun- damental levels and has been very successful in revealing many of nature’s most profound secrets. It encompasses a diverse range of disciplines in- cluding astrophysics, electronics, particle physics, and solid state physics.
Career possibilities Education Electronics Finance Geophysics Industrial applications Numerical (computer) analysis Optics
Career possibilities Business Civil service Communications Filmmaking International aid Journalism Law Politics/public services Teaching Technical writing
Research scientist Space technology Technical writing
Consulting on security Financial management Government and external affairs Insurance management Journalism Management recruitment Policy analysis Teaching Urban affairs and planning
2020 - 2021
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