Fall 2021 Viewbook - Bishop's University
- F A C U L T Y O F A R T S & S C I E N C E -
SPORTS STUDIES ubishops.ca/sports-studies Major, Sports Studies Major, Sport Studies - Athletic Development Major, Sport Studies - Health Major, Sport Studies - Business & Society Minor, Sports Studies
Unsure about which program to choose ? For students interested in the Faculty of Arts and Science but unsure about what program to choose, we have three “undeclared” options that allow you to explore a variety of courses in your first 1-2 years before selecting a pro- gram that is right for you. Select from: Divisional Major - Humanities Divisional Major - Natural Sciences & Mathematics Divisional Major - Social Sciences
Sports Studies is an integrated program drawing on the expertise of faculty in Psychology, Sociology, Politics, Business and Health Sciences. The program provides an intensive study of sport and exercise in society. It encourages students to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective that gathers together the individual, local, national and international dimensions of sport and exer- cise. Consequently, it exposes students to the social, biological, political, business and economic aspects of sport in society. It also provides opportunities for practical experiences.
Career possibilities Coaching Community sports organization Fitness and health promotion specialist Journalism and broadcasting Recreation, leisure and sport management Sports administration Sport and exercice psychologist Sports retail
2020 - 2021
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