Hidden Gem Viewbook Fall 2024

- FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES - The social sciences are a branch of academic disciplines that study various aspects of human society and social relationships to comprehend human behaviour, social interactions, societal structures, and the broader social, cultural, economic, and political dynamics that shape individuals and com munities. The disciplines within often overlap and intersect, as they collectively seek to grasp the complexities of society, inform policy-making, contribute to social change, and offer frameworks for addressing social issues. To understand the social sciences is to understand the future. ubishops.ca/soc

ENVIRONMENT, AGRICULTURE AND GEOGRAPHY ubishops.ca/eag Honours, Environmental Science Honours, Environmental Studies Honours, Geography

ECONOMICS ubishops.ca/economics Honours, Economics

POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ubishops.ca/politics Honours, Political Studies Honours, International Studies Honours, International Political Economy Major, Political Studies Major, International Studies Major, International Political Economy Minor, Political Studies Minor, International Studies The Department provides students with a working knowledge of society and how decisions are made. Governments, politicians, leaders in private industry and ordinary individuals function within a framework of accepted political norms, e.g. notions of justice, freedom, rights and duties. Over time, these per ceived norms are challenged by conventional meth ods such as voting, political parties, interest group lobbying and protest movements; or the challenge may be by militant, revolutionary or terrorist means. Students enrolled in the International Studies Major and Honours programs must choose between two concentrations: Global Governance or Global Culture. Career possibilities Business-government consulting Communications

Honours, International Political Economy Honours, Mathematical Economics NEW! Major, Economics Major, International Political Economy Major, Business Economics Concentration Major, Global Economy Concentration Minor, Economics

Major, Environmental Studies Major, Environmental Science Major, Geography Double Conc., Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Minor, Environmental Studies Minor, Environmental Science Minor, Geography Minor, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Micro-program, Climate Change Certificate, Environmental Studies & Geography Certificate, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Environment and Geography focuses on human-en- vironment interaction by analyzing interrelation- ships of physical and human phenomena on the earth, from both scientific and social perspectives. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SAFS) examines everything from farm to table through the lens of sustainability (environmental, social, economic). Our Educational Farm is a living land lab oratory, located on the BU campus, to give students hands-on learning experiences.

Economics is where business, applied mathemat ics, and human behavior meet. Studying it requires not only an analytical mind, but also curiosity about contemporary events and society as a whole. Eco nomic models are used to examine choice in all forms of social interactions including but not lim ited to business, politics, international relations, workplace, family, schools, and criminal activities. In sum, economics provides one set of tools that you can use to analyze, explain, and predict human inter action in virtually any situation. Studying economics provides you with the analytical and critical thinking skills to understand all kinds of choice decisions and to learn more about the world in which you live.

Career possibilities Economist Financial analyst Investment analyst Management consultant Management and civil services Portfolio manager Statistician

Consulting on security Financial management Government and external affairs Insurance management Journalism Management recruitment Policy analysis Teaching Urban affairs and planning

Career possibilities Cartography Commercial/Residential surveyor Ecological policy reform Environmental consulting Geographical information systems Urban planning Market gardener Agrologist Food system analyst


2023 - 2024

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