Hidden Gem Viewbook Fall 2024
Photos : Krystel V. Morin
MATHEMATICS ubishops.ca/math Honours, Mathematics Major, Mathematics Minor, Mathematical Contexts Minor, Mathematics
PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY ubishops.ca/physics Master of Science, Physics Honours, Physics
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Major, Physics Minor, Physics
Mathematics is the language of the sciences, a language which allows scientists to quantify, model, understand and predict behaviour in an enormously diverse range of phenomena of interest. Simultane ously, Mathematics is often regarded as an art, as it is the creative study of patterns and of problem solving. Mathematics covers a wide range of disci plines including algebra, analysis, combinatorics and discrete mathematics, and differential equations.
Physics discovers and applies the fundamental laws that govern nature on many different scales: from the smallest elementary particles, to planetary mo tion and star formation, to galaxies all the way up to the universe itself (cosmology). This involves work ing with beautiful physical concepts as well as ele gant and powerful mathematical and computational tools. Disciplines include astrophysics, gravitation al physics, quantum field theory & particle physics and experimental physics (e.g. optical spectroscopy and plasma physics). Career possibilities Research (either in academia or non-academic institutions (e.g. NRC)) Industry (aerospace, software development, phar maceutical companies, defense, etc.) Teaching: CEGEP or University/College instructor. High School (education degree required) Technical/Science writing Numerical (computer) Analyst
Career possibilities Actuary Market research analyst Mathematician Inventory control specialist Research scientist Statistician Teaching
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Medical Physics Financial sector Geophysics
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