Viewbook 2024-2025
- FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS - The natural sciences focus on the empirical study of the natural world and its phenomena. They aim to understand the physical and biological as pects of the universe through systematic observation, experimentation, and analysis while employing rigorous scientific methods to uncover and explain natural processes, laws, and principles. The evidence and principles discovered form the basis for technological advancements, medical breakthroughs, and environmental conversation efforts. Scientists in these disciplines seek to expand our knowledge and address real-world chal lenges while promoting critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deep appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.
BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Honours in Biochemistry
CHEMISTRY AND BREWING SCIENCE Honours in Chemistry Major in Chemistry Minor in Chemistry Minor in Brewing Science Graduate Certificate in Brewing Science The Chemistry and Brewing Science Department programs provide students with a balanced, rich, and practical education in all sub-disciplines of Chemis- try – Analytical, Biochemical, Inorganic, Organic and Physical, and Brewing Science (Hops, Yeast, Brew- ing Water Chemistry, Malt and Malting, and Business of Brewing). Class sizes in chemistry and brewing sciences courses are small, which promotes close personal interaction between faculty members and students. The department has an excellent set of modern instruments, which are used by undergrad- uates in their laboratory courses and in research projects. This contrasts with many large universities where many instruments are primarily reserved for graduate students. Students graduating with a Chemistry degree from Bishop’s University have had an excellent record of being admitted to graduate schools and profession- al programs (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Educa- tion, etc.) or in finding employment in their field.
COMPUTER SCIENCE Honours in Computer Science Major in Computer Science Major in Information Technology Minor in Computer Science Certificate in Computer Science Master of Science, Thesis-based stream, in Computer Science Master of Science, Course-based stream, in Computer Science
Honours in Biology, Biodiversity & Ecology Conc. Honours in Biology, Health Sciences Concentration Major in Biochemistry Major in Biology, Biodiversity & Ecology Concentration Major in Biology, Health Sciences Concentration Minor in Biochemistry Minor in Biology Our programs cover a wide range of subjects, all with a focus on the components and processes that make up life. Whether it is studying biological ly important molecules or entire ecosystems, our courses are designed to help students understand the content and develop their own abilities to fur ther explore a subject. Our faculty members are dedicated to undergraduate education and thrive on helping students develop their knowledge and skills both inside and outside the classroom. Cou pled with a strong faculty culture of inquiry and research, students are encouraged to develop an analytical approach to investigating the world around them. This is further facilitated by a focus on hands-on learning in our modern and well-equipped laboratory facilities. Our proximity and continued collaboration with the Université de Sherbrooke provide our students added access to some of the leading research ers in Canada in biochemistry, physiology, cellular and molecular biology, medicine, and microbiology. Moreover, our rural setting paired with its proximity to many natural habitats such as bogs, lakes, rivers, mountains, marshes, forests and meadows, pro vides exceptional opportunities for field study and research in biodiversity, ecology and conservation.
We offer a solid Computer Science education in a liberal education environment. We also integrate real-world experience into our curriculum including our co-operative education program and access to Undergraduate Capstone Open-Source Projects. We are active in several research areas and we of fer a research intensive and a course-based Mas ter’s programs as well as opportunities for under graduate students to get involved in cutting-edge research.
Career possibilities Computer games developer Data scientist Hardware technician Network analyst Software developer Security architect User interface developer
Career possibilities Chemist Dentistry Forensic scientist Healthcare scientist Medicine Pharmacy Research scientist Toxicology
Career possibilities Biotechnology Environmental assessment Forensic scientist Laboratory technician Medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine Nursing, optometry, physiotherapy Research scientist Wildlife field technician
2024 - 2025
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